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B i o g r a p h y

中司CHUJI和芳(Kazuyoshi Nakatsukasa aka. CHUJI) 

Double Bass & Electric Bass player.
Born in Fuji City, Shizuoka Prefecture in Japan in 1982. Currently living in Berlin, Germany.  Crosses over genres such as jazz, rock, reggae, R&B, folk music, electronic music, and Japanese music and participates in performances and sessions with an eclectic variety of musicians.He has kept a busy schedule of performance and session engagements, performing over 150 dates per year. 

From 2010, started solo activities in parallel with session, band and touring support performances. Live solo performances using contrabass with loops and effects have been well received from various fields, and expand his range of activities, including performances at art festivals and galleries, collaborations with artists and live painters, and sessions with contemporary dancers and poets.

At the same time, he began producing original recorded works. The first album “budding conscience” was released in 2017, the second album “Pendulum” was released in 2019, and the 3rd album "Tamanoo" 4th album "Nakago" were released in 2023.
Original works produced by multi-track recording, with only  contrabass, electric bass, and effects, provide a gentle and beautiful expression of humanity.



2019年に渡独し、ベルリンを中心に世界各国のアーティストたちとクンビア、マヌーシュジャズ、サイケロック、ジャズ、エクスペリメンタルなど様々な音楽を経験し2021年末に帰国。ベルリン拠点のインプロビゼーションプロジェクト、Spiritczualic Enhancement Centerでは、2022年にドイツ・スイス・オーストリア・スロベニア・クロアチアツアー、2023年にイスラエルツアーを敢行。数多くのフェスティバル、イベント、コンサート、レコーディングに参加し精力的に活動する。力強いグルーヴ、豊かな表現力、超感覚的な即興演奏技術を併せ持つ多彩なベーシスト。

また同時に音源制作も開始。2017年にファーストアルバム「budding conscience」、2019年にセカンドアルバム「Pendulum」、2023年にサードアルバム「タマノオ」、フォースアルバム「ナカゴ」を発表。

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